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FEBRUARY 11, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM Refreshments & Glass Study
11:30 AM Program: Lacy Glass: Amazing and Beautiful
MARCH 10, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM Refreshments & Glass Study   11:30 AM Program: "Silver Overlay Glass" (Karen Goddard)    
APRIL 14, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM Refreshments & Glass Study  
11:30 AM Program: "Studio Glass" (Susan Haller)
April 14 meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
MAY 12, 2020 (Tuesday)  11:00 AM Refreshments & Glass Study      
11:30 AM Program: "Antique Silvered Mercury Glass: Its Genesis and Development" (Diane Lytwyn) Regularly scheduled meeting cancelled due to COVID-19. 
First WGC Zoom meeting at 11:00 AM with special guests
Bill Gudenrath (CMOG), Mary Mills (AECOM), Anne Madarasz (NAGC President), Art Reed (NAGC Vice-president).
MAY 23-24, 2020 (Saturday/Sunday) 
45th Annual Westchester Glass Club Collectors Show & Sale
at Heritage Hotel in Southbury, CT (Exit 15 off I-84)
May 23-24 Annual Show cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
JUNE 9, 2020 (Tuesday) Annual field trip cancelled due to COVID-19.
Annual Meeting via Zoom at 11:00 AM with viewing of NBMOG 
educational video of Kirk Nelson and Ross Nelson reviewing new
acquisitions and brief tour of new NBMOG site.

JULY 14, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM Zoom meeting with Kirk Nelson
offering an extended walking tour of the new NBMOG site.
AUGUST 11, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM Zoom meeting with special tour
of the new Tiffany glass exhibit at CMOG by Alexandra Ruggiero, 
Curator of Modern Glass. Link for recording of Zoom meeting:
(Copy and use password.  Ll4Ccn+W  - be aware of low case 'L' for
second element in password)

SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting with Christina Westpheling, Director of Education & Community Engagement at the Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, talking about the modern glass of the Pilchuck Glass School.

OCTOBER 13, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting with well-known glass book author, Tom Felt, to talk about the extensive Steuben glass collection at the Museum of American Glass in West Virginia. And a special recorded visit with Max and Kitty Erlacher at their new shop on West Market Street, Corning. Max is renowned glass engraver.

NOVEMBER 10, 2020 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting with Dr. Larry Everett of the National Museum of Cambridge Glass talking about the "COLORS OF CAMBRIDGE".



JANUARY 12, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting with Dean Six from the Blenko Glass Company, Milton, West Virginia.

FEBRUARY 9, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

NOTE - Beginning in March, meetings will be held the 4th Tuesday of each month, rather than the 2nd Tuesday, as in the past.

MARCH 23, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting from the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, Neenah, Wisconsin.

APRIL 27, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM 9 (EST) Zoom meeting tour of the 
New Bedford Museum of Glass by Kirk Nelson.

MAY 25, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting visit to the
(Anna Safley) Houston Museum of Decorative Arts in Chattanooga, TN

JUNE 22, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting for all to be included in a WGC social "Madlib" word game.

JULY 27, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting and tour with Sophie Ong, Hirsch Curatorial Fellow at the Toledo Museum of Art.

AUGUST 24, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting tour of the current exhibition "Fire & Vine: The Story of Glass and Wine" at the Corning Museum of Glass. Linnea Seidling, Assistant Curator, will take us on the tour.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting tour of the Hillwood Estate, Gardens & Museums, Washington D.C.  Marjorie Merriweather Post assembled the largest collection of Imperial Art outside of Russia, including 90 pieces of Faberge, including two Faberge Eggs. She was married to Joseph E. Davies, the American Ambassador to Russia, when the Stalin government was selling the Tzar Romanov's possessions.

OCTOBER 26, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting tour of The Museum of Glass, Tacoma, Washington.  Presentation by Curator Katie Buckingham of the Shulman Collection of glass created by Rene Lalique.

NOVEMBER 23, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting presentation by Tom Felt of the Museum of Glass, West Virginia. Tom Felt, the author of several books about glass, will do a presentation on "Cobalt Glass."


JANUARY 25, 2022 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting presentation by Dr. Tanya Pohrt, Curator of the Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, CT on Louis Comfort Tiffany.

FEBRUARY 22, 2022 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting from the Fort Worth Museum of Art and a talk by Dr. David Fuchshuber on Mt. Washington glass.

MARCH 22, 2022 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting visit to the Harvard Fogg Museum and the Blaschka Glass Flower collection.

APRIL 26, 2022 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting presentation by members of the Westchester Glass Club - rumors are of a presentation on engraved glass.

MAY 24, 2022 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Zoom meeting presentation with famed Connecticut neon artist Mundy Hepburn.


OCTOBER 24, 2023 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) First 2023-2024 regular monthly meeting. We will again begin the meeting year with the favorite 'show-n-tell' of recent finds or just things we love to share.

DECEMBER 5, 2023 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) WGC Annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon. Featuring a members 'SHOW & TELL' sharing a favorite glass or non-glass item and a 'Silent Auction' of items donated by members as a fundraiser for WGC. The normally scheduled meetings of November 28 and December 26 are combined for this special December 5 Holiday Luncheon.

JANUARY 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) 1st regular meeting of 2024.
As always, SHOW-&-TELL of recent finds or favorite glass items. 
Presentation by Bruce Mitchell, "Color Altering Irradiation of Antique
 Glass & Bottles" (1. What's the problem, 2. Science and the "why", 3. How to identify false color.)

FEBRUARY 20, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Group discussion of Corning Pyrex Glass and celebration of Valentine's Day with hearts and red in glass.

MARCH 26, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Celebrating St. Patrick's Day with all glass green and Irish made.

APRIL 23, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Show and Tell of favorite finds and interactive talk by Bruce Mitchell on HOW GLASS IS MADE, focusing on the raw materials necessary for the making of glass, the industry required for glass manufacture, the various types of glass, and a bit on the history of glass making.

MAY 28, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) A ZOOM talk and discussion with LESLIE KENO, famous antiques dealer, PBS Antiques Roadshow expert, and co-author with his twin brother Leigh of the most interesting book, HIDDEN TREASURES. Mr. Keno will talk about some of his favorite finds, including glass and stoneware hidden treasures.

OCTOBER 29, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) A PowerPoint presentation
by Bruce Mitchell covering the history and types of marbles. The talk
will cover the history of marbles, how marbles are made, and the various types of marbles, both antique and contemporary. some 
examples of marbles will be provided and all are encouraged to bring in marbles for show and for identification.


JANUARY 21, 2025 (Tuesday) 11:00 AM (EST) Annual Holiday meeting including a POTLUCK LUNCHEON, MEMBERS SHOW & TELL of a favorite item from their glass collections or other collection, SILENT AUCTION featuring 12 lots of glass from the DOT & TED ANTHONY glass collection including Heisey glass and colored glass all from the late 19th c and early 20th century - all donated to the WGC by daughter Dale Grider.
Few photos of glass included in the auction - all beautiful and undamaged.


NOTE REGARDING ZOOM MEETINGS: If you wish to be included, 
receive invitation, to a WGC Zoom meeting please contact James
Russell for information:



Pictures of the May 5, 2015 WGC bus trip to White Mills, PA to visit the Dorflinger Glass Museum and the new Dorflinger Factory Museum. 
Left: James Asselstine, Chairman Glass Committee Dorflinger-Suydam Wildlife Sanctuary & owner/developer Dorflinger Factory Museum, leads a WGC group through the Dorflinger Glass Museum.
Right: Kurt Reed, curator Dorflinger Factory Museum, leads a WGC group through the Dorflinger Factory Museum & Office Building.

• 2020 - 2025 CALENDAR •

(All regular meetings are held at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 331 NY-100, Somers, New York)


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